Rusoto: 2017 in review

Rusoto, an unofficial SDK for Amazon Web Services, had a wonderful year! We made great strides in improving functionality, increasing the number of services covered and making various ergonomic changes.

Improved functionality

More supported services

A non-exhaustive list:

As of the end of 2017, Rusoto is three services shy of implementing publicly available AWS services from before re:Invent 2017.


Rust, Rusoto, AWS

Rust and Rusoto have demonstrated they can fit well with AWS. I gave a talk at PDXRust on this topic. While writing the presentation, I was surprised at how much Rusoto is used for infrastructure related tasks. Some examples:

I was expecting to hear more use cases of running on AWS. Perhaps it was the sample set of users I contacted. Rumor has it there are big companies using Rusoto in applications. I’m hoping to get more information so we can make Rusoto even better.

The future

We’re going to keep on keeping on! Some goals for 2018:

A big thank-you to all contributors!

We couldn’t have done it without you. See the list of contributors on GitHub.