Chaining Rusoto Futures

Rusoto supports asynchronously running commands to AWS. While immediately making a blocking call to AWS is a common use case, one can create actions to run async and let the tokio runtime handle it. This opens up the ability to run multiple AWS calls concurrently.

If a project sets up infrastructure on AWS, the actions that don’t depend on others to finish can run concurrently. For example: creating an S3 bucket and an SQS queue. Instead of creating a bucket and waiting for the request to finish, then moving on to creating the queue, one can put the Rusoto Futures together and concurrently run them.

In this post we’ll explore to examples of using futures and the Rusoto DynamoDB client.


There are two companion projects for this blog post: rusoto-chained-futures and rusoto-chained-futures-2. These projects use local DynamoDB so they can be run without an AWS account.

Basic knowledge of futures and tokio are suggested. The tokio site is a good resource to gain an understanding. Experience with Rusoto is also recommended since its API is very AWS flavored and isn’t necessarily idiomatic Rust. Check for samples and links to API documentation.

First sample: throwing away errors

Our sample project uses these dependencies:

rusoto_core = "0.36"
rusoto_dynamodb = "0.36"
futures = "0.1"
tokio-core = "0.1"

We’ll use the latest releases of futures 0.1 and tokio-core 0.1.

Here’s the main part of the project, with comments removed:

let item = make_item();
let client = get_dynamodb_local_client();

let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();

let create_table_future = make_create_table_future(&client);
let upsert_item_future = make_upsert_item_future(&client, &item);
let item_from_dynamo_future = make_get_item_future(&client, &item);

let chained_futures = create_table_future
    .then(|_| upsert_item_future)
    .then(|_| item_from_dynamo_future);

let item_from_dynamo = match {
    Ok(item) => item,
    Err(e) => panic!("Error completing futures: {}", e),

println!("item_from_dynamo is {:?}", item_from_dynamo);

To improve clarity, functions have been extracted.

let item = make_item();
let client = get_dynamodb_local_client();

The first line makes a DynamoDB item for us to use for insertion and retrieval. The second line creates a DynamoDB client configured to point at local DynamoDB instead of Amazon’s DynamoDB.

let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();

Core is a tokio_core::reactor::Core object. It’s what we’ll hand the futures to in order to run asynchronously.

The next few lines create the Rusoto futures and saves them in variables. Looking at the create_table_future, we see the function has this signature:

fn make_create_table_future(client: &DynamoDbClient)
  -> impl Future<Item = CreateTableOutput>

Taking a reference to the DynamoDbClient, it returns a Future with an expected Item of CreateTableOutput. Nothing else can happen in this future: it can’t return an error.

let chained_futures = create_table_future
  .then(|_| upsert_item_future)
  .then(|_| item_from_dynamo_future);

We use .then() to pass the successful result from create_table_future to upsert_item_future. Then we do the same with upsert_item_future’s success and pass it to item_from_dynamo_future. Since we use the underscore, _, for the success returned by the future, it’s ignored. This lets us ignore error handling for problems creating the table or upserting the item.

let item_from_dynamo = match {
  Ok(item) => item,
  Err(e) => panic!("Error completing futures: {}", e),

With our chained, or combined, future as a new variable, we can pass it to The type returns is the type item_from_dynamo_future is. The signature for the function that created the variable:

fn make_get_item_future(
  client: &DynamoDbClient,
  item: &HashMap<String, AttributeValue>,
) -> impl Future<Item = GetItemOutput, Error = GetItemError>

This returns a Result after running. It’s similar to calling client.get_item(get_item_request).sync() for synchronously running the command, but we’ll only get it after the previously chained futures complete.

let item_from_dynamo = match {
  Ok(item) => item,
  Err(e) => panic!("Error completing futures: {}", e),

println!("item_from_dynamo is {:?}", item_from_dynamo);

Printing the result shows this:

item_from_dynamo is GetItemOutput 
{ consumed_capacity: None, item: Some({"foo_name": AttributeValue 
{ b: None,..., s: Some("baz"), ss: None } }) }

We’ve successfully run the commands asynchronously! The project can be run multiple times and will succeed despite the create table call failing due to the table already existing: we throw away the error from that call and move forward.

Second sample: mapping an error

If we want to do something with an error, we need to return it from the future. The second sample project shows examples of that.

let make_table_future_the_second = create_table_future_with_error_handling(&client);
let get_item_future = make_get_item_future_with_error_handling(&client, &item);

We need to use a different function signature to return a future that can return an error. create_table_future_with_error_handling looks like this:

fn create_table_future_with_error_handling(
    client: &DynamoDbClient,
) -> impl Future<Item = CreateTableOutput, Error = CreateTableError>

The difference here is we specify both Future<Item> and Future<Error>. Let’s chain the futures and see what we can do with the error type available. We’ll run the chained/combined future the same way as before:

let chained_with_failure_handling = match {
  Ok(result) => format!("Got item: {:?}", result),
  Err(e) => format!("Didn't get item: {}", e),

  "chained_with_failure_handling is {}",
let chained = make_table_future_the_second
  .map_err(|e| {
    println!("We could do something with the table creation error here.");
    // We need to make any error return look like the innermost error returned.
    // Let's create a GetItemError:
      "Actually from us! Real error from attempting to making the table: {}",
  .and_then(|r| {
    // If we're here, we successfully made the new table.
    // r will be the CreateTableOutput:
    println!("r is {:?}\n\n", r);

    // Finally, call the get_item_future and return the Result<GetItemOutput, GetItemError>
    // and we can match on that later.

make_table_future_the_second uses map_err() to map the error result to the closure, which is just code to run if an error happens. In the code block, we print a notice something went wrong then make a new GetItemError. We have to create a GetItemError because that’s what the combined future, chained, requires as its type. It’s a Future<Item = GetItemOutput, Error = GetItemError> because the last future, get_item_future, has that type.

Since .and_then() will only run on successful, non-error completion of the future it’s called on, we won’t call get_item_future if we couldn’t create the table. For example, if we run the project and local DynamoDB isn’t running, we see this output:

We could do something with the table creation error here.

chained_with_failure_handling is Didn't get item: 
Actually from us! Real error from attempting to making the table: 
an error occurred trying to connect: Connection refused (os error 61)

That’s both our print statement and the error returned by running the chained future.

If the table was successfully created, we see this output:

r is CreateTableOutput { table_description:...table_status: Some("ACTIVE") }) }

chained_with_failure_handling is Got item: 
GetItemOutput { consumed_capacity: None, item: None }

The future ran successfully! We printed the result of the table creation call in the closure we provided .and_then():

.and_then(|r| {
  // If we're here, we successfully made the new table.
  // r will be the CreateTableOutput:
  println!("r is {:?}\n\n", r);

  // Finally, call the get_item_future and return the Result<GetItemOutput, GetItemError>
  // and we can match on that later.

The |r| syntax is how we passed it into our closure to run on successful completion of the first future.

Give it a try

While these examples don’t execute much differently than using Rusoto’s .sync() command, they show what can be done with creating futures and chaining them together. Maybe futures can be created on a different thread and passed to a tokio::Core instance so all async commands are run through a single tokio core, leaving the main thread open to handling other events coming in. An event of “An S3 bucket has been requested” could be turned into a create bucket future and sent to the tokio core to be executed. Non-blocking IO!

If you’re running into issues with Rusoto futures, please make an issue on the Rusoto repo on GitHub.