2024 year in review
Looking back at 2024: Technical and Personal reflections.
Nothing stood out out as a must-have in 2024, but there are a few items to watch.
jujutsu, also known as jj
, is worth watching. It’s source control management compatible with git. A simpler mental model than git, at least as powerful as git and can be used right now without anyone else knowing you’re using it. This might be the next big shift, similar to how git took over from Subversion.
ghostty had its first public release at the end of 2024. I’m test driving it to see if it’ll tear me away from alacritty, my current terminal of choice.
Artificial intelligence is still “almost there” from my perspective. The biggest change is how it can replace search engines. Less “let me Google that problem” and more “AI, how do I solve problem X?” It won’t get you directly to home base but you start on second or third base instead of picking up the baseball bat.
My personal theme for 2024 was giving back. I used my money, my time and my expertise to help groups I’m passionate about. In 2025 there will be more.
I kept up with motorcycling by riding the Trans-America Trail: coast to coast across the United States on mostly unpaved roads. It took about a month to do, including some setbacks and unplanned adventures but was an amazing trip.
More travel, more motorcycling. Drone stuff. Motorcycle stuff.